.. _multiaxial_csr: [LEGACY] Multiaxial Control with Constant Strain Rate ===================================================== This example (:file:`tutorials/triaxSLR`) covers the biaxial deformation of an HCP polycrystal at a constant strain rate. Loads are applied normal to the surface, maintaining proportional macroscopic load ratios of :math:`-1`::math:`0`::math:`1` for the :math:`x`::math:`y`::math:`z` directions, respectively. Load tolerance options are prescribed and latent hardening is enabled, as well as saturation strength evolution. The primary loading direction is set to be in the :math:`x` direction, and the strain rate is doubled on the second step. Elemental values for the equivalent plastic strain and plastic work are output, along with the nodal coordinates and surface-integrated forces. Material parameters are those for the :math:`\alpha` phase of Ti-6Al-4V and are provided in the below tables. The latent parameters are input values to the hardening interaction matrix [CARSON17]_. Illustrations of the results are provided in the below figures. .. list-table:: Single crystal elastic constants. :widths: 25 25 25 25 25 25 :align: center :header-rows: 1 * - Phase - Type - :math:`C_{11}` [MPa] - :math:`C_{12}` [MPa] - :math:`C_{13}` [MPa] - :math:`C_{44}` [MPa] * - :math:`\alpha` - HCP - :math:`169.66 \times 10^3` - :math:`88.66 \times 10^3` - :math:`61.66 \times 10^3` - :math:`42.50 \times 10^3` .. list-table:: Plasticity parameters. :widths: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 :align: center :header-rows: 1 * - Phase - :math:`m` [-] - :math:`\dot{\gamma_{0}}` [1/s] - :math:`h_{0}` [MPa] - :math:`g_{s0}` [MPa] - :math:`m^\prime` [-] - :math:`\dot{\gamma_{s}}` [1/s] - :math:`n` [-] - :math:`c/a` [-] * - :math:`\alpha` - 0.01 - 1.0 - 190.0 - 530.0 - 1.1 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.587 .. list-table:: Initial slip system strengths and hardening parameters. :widths: 10 10 10 10 10 10 :align: center :header-rows: 1 * - Phase - :math:`g_0` (basal) [MPa] - :math:`g_0` (prismatic) [MPa] - :math:`g_0` (pyramidal) [MPa] - :math:`h_{diag}` [-] - :math:`h_{1}-h_{7}` [-] * - :math:`\alpha` - 390.0 - 468.0 - 663.0 - 1.0 - 1.4 .. figure :: multiaxial_csr/2_all.png :width: 75% :align: center Deformed sample at the end of the second load step (deformation field is exaggerated 10x for illustrative purposes), colored by (left) plastic work (:math:`W^{p}`) and (right) equivalent plastic strain (:math:`\bar\epsilon^{P}`). Note that, unlike the deformed sample in :ref:`uniaxial_ex`, a multiaxial simulation will maintain the orthogonal, planar surfaces throughout the simulation. .. figure :: multiaxial_csr/2_normalstraintime.png :width: 70% :align: center Evolution of the macroscopic normal strains. Note the strain rate increase corresponding to the strain-rate jump defined for step 2.